Sunday, January 30, 2005


We left Samburu at 8am and headed for Treetops. The journey took five hours. We arrived at Outspan (Treetops reception) at 1pm. We had a lovely lunch there. After lunch we were ferried to Treetops for an overnight stay. The rooms are small and you are only allowed to take an overnight bag.

What a place! It's beautiful! It's completely made of wood and located between two watering holes - one on either side of it. It's situated on a migration path for animals and that and the watering holes ensures that there's plenty to see. Treetops is pretty famous - and it's easy to see why.

I stood on the roof area for several hours watching the animals pass. I saw buffalo, deer and a small cat (not sure what type of cat).

We had dinner at 7.30pm. It was the best food so far and the restaurant was something special. Then some more animal watching (in the dark). This time I saw some elephants and mongoose.

I went to bed at 10.30pm but there's a buzzer in the room that alerts you whenever animals pass. So I'm prepared to get up during the night...


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